Monday, October 6, 2008

Topic: Sameness and Difference. What is good about it? What is bad about it? What could be changed? Use what you know about our society and Jonas's society to write your entry.

Sameness and difference are very similar yet also divergent. Difference is when things are unlike. Though sameness is when everything is alike .

Sameness is good because no one gets bullied from their clothes or looks because they would be pretty much be bullying themselves.This is good so people do not get hurt feelings. Sameness is also good because you feel like you belong.Yet this can be bad because you can't show how feel, your character, or style. Therefore people can become moppey and bored.

Difference is good because everyone feels like they can show them selves to the world and show how they feel. Also, difference is good because you can experience different feelings different activities. Though difference is bad because people can get heart emotionly and physically. Or feel like they don't belong. Which can lead to hurting of not just one's self but of others around one.

Samenss can be changed in society by this. People should be able to feel somewhat comforatable with being different. People always feel comforatble with sameness because they don't like the feeling of being diffent. However, people should not become too same or everyone becomes like robots and doesn't feel individual. People shouldn't have to feel that way.

Difference can be changed in society by this. People should be allowed to express themselves with different clothing, hair, or style. Without people shunning or making fun of them. People should be able to wearred tights over purple pants and a pink long t-shirt and not be punished for it. People should feel able to do what they want without being punished by society.

Sameness and difference are both important things in society. Like anything, they can only be good when taken in small portians. People have needs for both sameness and individuality. If people are to be free in thought and inchices then they must be free to be as simmilar or different from their neighbor as they desire. In a society that allows freedom of action and thought, people should be allowed to find their own balance of sameness and difference.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

a million dollars

With a million dollars I would do a lot of things. First, I would by my family a house in Perry so that I don't have to move. So, for the house I would spend 550,000 dollars. Next, I would go on a shopping spree with 30,000 dollars. Then, I would donate 150,000 to various charities.Next I would get a summer vacation package to go tour the world with my family 200,000. Then I would spend 20,000 on my personal zoo. Finally I would use the last 50,000 on maids and someone to help me take care of all my animals. That is what I would do with a million dollars.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

